THERE'S SOMETHING ABOUT A GATEWAY. Rome wanted Calvary to be the end – it was said that even death could not stop the Messiah from saving His people. So they placed Him in a borrowed tomb and sealed it with a giant stone, thinking that surely this would keep Him locked in. BUT GOD IS NOT LIMITED BY OBSTACLES, DEATH, OR SEALED GATEWAYS. The story did not end with Calvary – during the three days the world thought it was over, He marched into hell to take back the keys to death and the grave and then He returned in power and rolled the stone away. Medieval leaders wanted the Bible to be the end – it was said that Messiah would return through Jerusalem’s Eastern Gate to redeem His people. So they sealed up the Eastern Gate and planted a cemetery in front of it, thinking that surely this would keep Him locked out. BUT GOD IS NOT LIMITED BY OBSTACLES, DEATH, OR SEALED GATEWAYS. The story did not end in Revelation – during the years He has been away, He ascended to heaven to prepare a place for His people and when He returns neither the grave nor the sealed gate will be able to keep Him from the people He loves. When God created humanity, He established a close relationship with them – a gateway into His presence that was always open. But sin invaded the world and it changed the nature of that perfect relationship – it sealed the gateway, thinking that surely this would keep God from us. BUT GOD IS NOT LIMITED BY OBSTACLES, DEATH, OR SEALED GATEWAYS. The story did not end in Eden – in the fulness of time God took on the form of humanity, gave His life for our redemption, then sent His Spirit to live in us. Calvary removed the obstacle and gave mankind hope for personal communion with God once again but seven weeks later, the Holy Spirit fell on the Day of Pentecost. Calvary removed our obstacle to His presence; Pentecost made a way for us to enter in once again. This is the beauty of God. He saw you before you were born and He sees you now. He saw the times you would fail and the times you would succeed. He saw every tear you would cry and every moment of loneliness you would feel. Most of all, He saw the obstacle between you and Him and He moved heaven and earth to push it aside. THERE TRULY IS SOMETHING ABOUT A GATEWAY.
December 2021