Many years ago, my family moved from Dallas to Houston. We boxed up our belongings, but when we ran out of boxes (and patience!) we started putting things in trash bags. We loaded our minivan and set off on a new adventure. But when we unpacked, , we were shocked to find that one of the bags we had transported across Texas was a bag of garbage. We had brought trash to our new house!
This is so true of life. Every now and then, I stop to think about what I am carrying with me throughout my day. I try to carry God's promises daily, to box up the best memories and take them with me. But sometimes I carry other things too: hurts, mistakes, unforgiveness, guilt, and even shame. Every day I move through life, I am transporting something. Sometimes it is treasure and sometimes it is trash. However, things don't end with the moving process. Moving is just a temporary state. I cannot always choose what happens to me, but I can choose what I pack up to keep. I can help what I carry with me. When we arrived in Houston and discovered we had brought trash with us, we did not unpack it and put it in our home. We chose to throw it out. Likewise, when God calls us to move into new things, He doesn't want us to bring the trash of the past with us. We have the power to decide what we allow into our new home. We can choose to fill our spiritual lives with treasure and leave the trash behind.
“But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19 KJV)
No one wants to be “needy,” but need is inevitable in our lives. God has promised to supply all of our needs. Only the needy qualify for a miracle, and the greater the need the greater the miracle. Needs are the raw material that God uses to create miracles. Want a miracle? No matter how great your need may be, your faith in God must exceed that need. Job is a great example of this principle. He was a wealthy man, but in a single day he lost all his livelihood. His cattle, donkeys, sheep and camels were stolen or destroyed in one day. But far worse, his seven sons and three daughters were all killed when a violent wind caused the house they were in to collapse. All of his children were taken in a moment. Then his health failed and he could not work. His wife told him to curse God and die. I cannot even imagine the enormous sense of loss and sorrow that filled Job’s heart. His need was unimaginably great but Job’s faith in God was greater than his need! Job said, “the Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” Oh such faith, such magnificent spiritual maturity! The Bible says “In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly.” In the end Job was blessed with more children and greater wealth. Job is a marvelous example for us to follow in our times of great need. His faith did indeed exceed all his need! In our Wednesday services, we are concluding our study of the last book in the Bible, which is called “The Revelation of Jesus Christ.” What is there to reveal and why is the revelation necessary?
The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, record Jesus as God in His humanity. They reveal His dual nature: God and Man, deity and humanity. In Revelation, however, God shows John His sovereignty as Redeemer and Restorer of His creation. He reveals the glory purchased by His sufferings. Chapters 1-3 reveal the Glorified Christ and His Lordship over His church. In Revelation 4-5 He alone is worthy to take the title deed of redemption from the hand of God. Subsequent chapters show His victories over all His enemies and His righteous judgements in heaven and on earth. He is defends the righteous and destroys all sin and unrighteousness. As King of King and Lord of Lords, in the battle called Armageddon, He defeats the political Beast and his False Prophet and their armies and binds Satan with an unbreakable chain. He establishes a kingdom of peace and prosperity on the earth for a thousand years. Satan is released for a short season and deceives many, then forms an army to fight against God. In this final war God defeats Satan and his armies, then Satan is cast into the lake of fire forever. And then He is revealed as the Righteous Judge at the final judgement. Finally, in Revelation 21-22 He returns to His role as Creator, He makes a New Earth, New Heaven and a New Celestial City the eternal Home of the Redeemed! If you have questions, would like to request a free Bible study please contact us at (956) 689-2576. If you would like to watch a detailed study of the book of Revelation, please visit our YouTube channel. "What would you do if you knew you only had one day to live?"
One survey notes that, of 2,000 Americans surveyed, 95% had a "bucket" list of things they wanted to do before death. The highest priority categories were travel (77%), financial (71%), personal development (71%), family (67%), and health (55%). Near bottom of the list were other categories such as spiritual development (40%) and service-related activities (27%). It gives us an interesting idea about where the priorities of many people are when they think about the end of life. As we bid good-bye to Easter once more, I cannot help but think about a meme I came across: "Sometimes I joke about what I'd do if I had one day left to live [...] Today it hit me: Jesus knew. And He washed feet." It's a sobering thought. In fact, if we look at what Jesus' "bucket list" was for His final days on earth, we see that He: prepared His disciples for the coming of the Holy Spirit, washed their feet, served His enemy, prayed in the garden, surrendered His will, healed a man who was arresting Him, gave His life on Calvary, and won victory over sin and death, to name a few. It is telling that the things many Americans prioritize last on their lists were top two priorities for Jesus. I have spent some time comparing these two lists as I move into another season of enjoying the costly salvation that was so freely given to me. While I also love travel and family, and hope to improve my finances and health, I pray that the days I continue to live out will more and more closely resemble the last days of Jesus. |
December 2021